Website Optimisation - Part 1

By Romario Fitzgerald on July 04, 2018

We give a few tips on how to make your website more responsive to visitors.


Welcome Back Everyone!

Today I'm going to share a couple tips and tricks on how to get your website loading faster.

It's no secret that slow websites turn people off and make them less likely to do business with you, as they don't like waiting.

So we'll dig in to a few non-technical things you can do to ensure your website stays quick and speedy, or even improve the speed its running at now.

So a few things happen when someone visits your websites:

  1. They type the url and click enter
  2. The browser contacts your web server asking for a specific page
  3. Your web server then has the assemble that page, and send it back to the users browser
  4. Your web server then gets the necessary files, like images, stylesheets and javascript files
  5. The web browser then renders the webpage of your website.

We'll be focusing on #4 Today.

What can you do to help the browser load your site faster?

Heres a couple things:

Compress Your Images

  • Images are usually really big files, so they slow down the load time of your site
  • Image compression helps to reduce those file sizes, but maintain the resolution and trades off image quality

What?? I don't want my image to look bad! - Worrry not - you'll have to compress really heavily to notice much quality degradation on a regular sized display

Reduce The Number Of Items On A Page

  • The more things your webserver has to load before sending your webpage to the users browser, the longer it will take.
  • Keep the number of items you display per page at a reasonable amount so as to keep your site snappy.

We'll be giving out a few tips every week, so stay tuned.

Till next time

- The Fleeksite Team